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css-utils is a utility for providing common CSS3 classes in a single file.

I found myself rewriting so many standard classes for every website I created and so I decided to group all of these general classes in to a single file.

The classes provided are simple in design and function with the idea that you use multiple classes on your HTML elements as opposed to creating more complex classes for single elements. Obviously this approach isn't always the best but it gives you that option and comes in exceptionally handy for blogs.

License Release


There are two choices as to what file you want to use based on whether or not you want to have colour-specific classes available.

I created this choice because over 500 additional classes exist for the colours alone as all SVG colours are included and not all users may need them so a lighter option is available.


Since there are potentially over 800 classes provided I highly recommend that you take a look at the file you want to use for an idea of what classes are available.

That said; the naming conventions I've used for the selectors are pretty standard and simple to avoid confusion. Some of the longer names also have shorter versions available to make the HTML a bit cleaner and more understandable without the need for an inspector tool.

Possible Conflicts

Given how many new classes you're adding there is a clear possibility of conflicting class names so you should always test your pages after adding css-utils as your implementation of a class may differ from this.

css-utils doesn't add the !important rule to any of the styles applied in an attempt to minimize unwanted conflicts.


If you have any problems with css-utils or would like to see changes currently in development you can do so here.


If you want to contribute, you're a legend! Information on how you can do so can be found in We want your suggestions and pull requests!

A list of css-utils contributors can be found in


Copyright © 2017 Alasdair Mercer

See for more information on our MIT license.